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In Armenia, where virtually no industrial fossil fuel resources exist, the issues of improving the energy efficiency of the economy and the efficient use of renewable energy are of utmost importance. Therefore, it is not accidental that in recent years particularly, the share of renewable energy is significant in the overall energy production of Armenia.Moreover, the development of this domain of energy production, in particular, development of solar energy, is taking place in the regional communities of the country as well. This is very important from the viewpoint of raising the level of energy security and independence of the country, as well as in terms of energy sustainability of the communities, reduction of carbon footprint there, environmental problems solving and systemic transition towards the "green city" paradigm through sustainable energy solutions.


Within the framework of the “EU 4 Armenia’s Sustainable Energy” Project, renewable energy promotion programs will be implemented in Aparan and Artik towns by the initiative of the “Foundation to Save Energy” (ESF) and the “Union of Communities of Armenia” (UCA) NGOs.


Particularly, integration of rooftop PV for net metering connection with the grid is planned in Aparan. At the community's suggestion, it is envisaged to be implemented in a public building where it will be possible to ensure substantial energy savings for the community.


In Artik, a production of solar electricity for feeding into public grids at green tariffs is envisaged, coupled with private sector participation and implementation of massive outreach campaign and capacity building.

Our Partners
Energy Saving Foundation 
Aparan Municipality 
Union of Communities of Armenian
Artik municipality



•Increase the energy security and sustainability in participating communities, reduce the carbon footprint and use sustainable energy solutions for systematic transformation towards a green city paradigm


•Capacity building of the municipal officials, community members, business sector and residents to promote behavioral changes in EE and RE, better energy management and publicity of the achieved results through trainings, seminars, sustainable energy days/weeks, and business fora.

2 . in Artik

•Production of solar electricity for feeding into public grids at green tariffs, coupled with private sector participation and implementation of massive outreach campaign and capacity building.


•Development of comprehensive logistical, organizational and financial engineering of RE  investments, with built-in financial viability, generation of revenues to the community budget, and PPP opportunities

3. In Aparan

•integration of rooftop PV for net metering connection with the grid for community institutions’ own needs

project objecties


1.Develop business models for implementation of the investment projects in communities.

•Consider PPP models (co-ownership, energy cooperatives, etc.)

•2 separate models WILL be prepared with financial, institutional, social, environmental components.

•WILL include analysis of any regulatory constraints and propose solution for that.

2 . A social survey  / sociological assessment of selected communities

•assess the level of information and knowledge of population and community servants on EE and RE, specifically about the opportunities in Armenia

•available technologies and suppliers

•their costs & benefits,

•financing products, etc.

3. •Technical assistance in design and implementation of solar power installations in the communities of Artik and Aparan

•site selection,

•preparation of specifications for equipment and materials installed,

•contracting the supply and installation companies,

•quality control and technical supervision, etc.

•The specific guidelines and handbooks will be prepared for further operation and maintenance of the installed system, training of operators of the systems

4.•Development of the concept of the COMO Funds.

•Preparation of the COMO Fund operational manual, including

•description of all business processes and procedures

•Production of a replicable scheme for other communities in Armenia and the region


•Develop public awareness raising strategy for promoting SEAP and increasing the usage of RE and efficient use of energy in the communities. The timeline of the strategy will be beyond the project period to assist the communities in continues communication on RE and EE promotion.

•b) Preparation of information materials and events to inform public about the activities under this proposal, support of EU for sustainable energy development in communities, produced results and lessons learned to be replicated.

• c) Presentation of communities efforts during international events to increase recognition and to motivate communities to the new actions toward green development.

•d) Preparation of handbooks and guidelines for operational staff, municipal servants, local administration, etc.

•e) training of the relevant employees on financial, technical, environmental, communication aspects of the sustainable energy development.

The goal of this initiative is to integrate renewable energy solutions into community energy use for local sustainable energy transition, awareness raising and boosted energy independence, while also making small-scale EE and RE solutions available for vulnerable households and settlements. The initiative will be implemented in three target regions (marzes) of Armenia: Lori, Tavush and Gegharkunik particularly focusing on deforestation mitigation in the forest rich marzes (Tavush and Lori) and areas, while in forest poor areas the focus will be on mitigating the economic, social and health impact of nonwood biomass combustion for heating (such as dung) among rural population, while retaining its role in the agricultural value chain. Among both, the most vulnerable are the non-gasified communities, remote, border-lying communities. The initiative will create an enabling environment where low-income rural households and rural communities have better access to energy efficiency and sustainable energy solutions, thereby contributing to improved energy security of rural populations and the preservation of natural resources and ecosystem services.


On the public building level the target is to cover 50 community buildings with small-scale EE/RE solutions (solar water heaters (SWH), small PV-roof top installations (up to 5 kW) and basic insulation). Priority is given to public infrastructure with special importance for women and youth like kindergartens, health stations, cultural and sports centers, botanical gardens, local museums, etc. Supported community infrastructure should not have profited from similar interventions during the recent years and projected EE/RE-measures must make sense without general rehabilitation measures of the buildings. The individual projects will be capped in total capital cost per project of approximately EUR 4-5 thousand per building, with liberty to develop an individual combination of solar capacity, as priority, and energy efficiency measures within the remaining funds, the co-financing (about 25%) is expected by the beneficiary or other acceptable source.


On the household level the pilot of (partial) insulation will target about 10 households (HH) and will demonstrate a scalable/replicable approach with a cost-sharing principle. To the extent possible the main focus shall be on vulnerable households. It is intended to demonstrate the improved thermal insulation at HH level as an approach to tackle the problem of unsustainable use of biomass (firewood and dung), which addresses the specific benefits of women. The benefits can include, for example, increased room temperature, improved indoor air, reduced use of fuel and reduced workload at home and others. 

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